Cirko Engineering International LLC es especialista en la procura de válvulas, tubería, accesorios y equipos para sistemas de agua potable y aguas residuales en aplicaciones municipales e industriales.
El amplio conocimiento de nuestros productos, la experiencia en logística y el respaldo de fabricantes de primera calidad aseguran cumplimiento técnico de los materiales y su entrega a tiempo.
Obedecemos a cualquier tipo de especificación técnica ya sea normas americanas (ANSI / AWWA) o normas internacionales (ISO / BS / DIN).
Nuestro interés es brindar un servicio integral, desde las etapas de concepción y diseño de proyectos, apoyando en la especificación de equipos y suministrando costos de referencia, hasta el suministro en obra o puerto local. Consolidamos envíos en puertos americanos, europeos o asiáticos, simplificando los trámites de importación a nuestros clientes.
Contamos con presencia local para garantizar servicio óptimo. Nuestro personal local le apoyará durante todo el proceso de diseño, especificación, compra, importación, suministro e instalación del material.
Cirko Engineering International LLC is a specialist in search of valves, piping, fittings and equipment for systems of drinking water and wastewater in municipal and industrial applications.The extensive knowledge of our products, experience in logistics and support of manufacturers of premium quality ensure compliance with technical materials and their delivery in time.We obey to any type of technical specification either American standards (ANSI / AWWA) or international standards (ISO / BS / DIN).Our interest is to provide a comprehensive service, from the stages of conception and design of projects, supporting equipment specification and providing reference costs, until the supply at work or local port. We consolidated shipments in American, European or Asian ports, simplifying the import formalities to our customers.We have local presence to ensure optimum service. Our local staff will support you during the entire process of design, specification, purchase, import, supply and installation of the material.

Cirko Engineering International LLC is a specialist in the pursuit of Valves, Pipes, Accessories and equipment for Wastewater and drinking water systems in Industrial and Municipal applications.The extensive knowledge of our products, Logistics experience and backed by First Class Manufacturers ensure technical compliance of materials and on time delivery.Obey to any type of technical specification either American Standards (ANSI / AWWA) or international standards (ISO / BS / DIN).Our interest is to offer a comprehensive Service, from conception and Design phases of projects, Supporting the specification of equipment costs and providing reference to delivery on site or local port. Consolidate shipments in Ports American, European or Asian, simplifying Import procedures to our clients.We have a local presence to ensure optimal Service. Our local staff will support you during the whole process of Design, specification, Purchase, Import, supply and installation of equipment.