La Gerencia General de ANTALIS ABITEK LTDA., considera como factor esencial para el éxito en el desarrollo de su operación el cumplimiento de su Política de Calidad y Medio Ambiente.
“Nuestra organización define como elementos centrales en su quehacer el compromiso de mejora continua en todos sus procesos productivos y de su desempeño ambiental, con el objeto de mejorar permanentemente la calidad de nuestros productos
y servicios, como también la prevención de la contaminación asociada a sus actividades. En esta materia se reconoce el enorme valor que tiene para ANTALIS ABITEK LTDA. la retroalimentación permanente con sus clientes, que nos permite alcanzar y superar sus expectativas.
Este permanente compromiso con la calidad, la prevención de la contaminación, el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales que aplican a los aspectos ambientales de nuestras actividades, nos obliga a prepararnos y perfeccionarnos constantemente para ser capaces de identificar y eliminar toda posibilidad de error en la calidad y la protección del medio ambiente.
Creemos firmemente que la práctica continua de esta filosofía de trabajo nos hará merecedores del reconocimiento y retribución de nuestros clientes.”
Para el logro de esta Política de Calidad y Medio Ambiente, ANTALIS ABITEK LTDA. cuenta con una estructura fabril, moderna, dinámica y con personal altamente comprometido, que se desempeña en un ambiente de trabajo seguro y acorde con la legislación vigente y con las normativas aplicables a nuestros procedimientos de calidad y medio ambiente.
Gerente General
POLICY OF QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTANTALIS ABITEK Ltda. General management, considered as essential factor for success in the development of its operation the compliance of its quality and environment policy."Our Organization defined as central elements in his work commitment to improvement in all of its production processes and environmental performance, in order to constantly improve the quality of our productsand services, as also the prevention of pollution associated with its activities. In this regard recognizes the enormous value that has for ANTALIS ABITEK Ltda. the permanent feedback with customers, which allows us to reach and exceed your expectations.This permanent commitment with the quality, pollution prevention, compliance with the legal requirements that apply to the environmental aspects of our activities, compels us to prepare and refine us constantly to be able to identify and eliminate any possibility of error in the quality and the protection of the environment.We firmly believe that the continuous practice of this philosophy of work will make us worthy of the recognition and reward of our customers."For the achievement of this policy of quality and environment, ANTALIS ABITEK Ltda. equipped with a modern, dynamic manufacturing structure highly committed staff, who works in a safe working environment and in accordance with current legislation and with the regulations applicable to our procedures of quality and environment.General ManagerANTALIS ABITEK LTDA.

QUALITY POLICY AND ENVIRONMENT The General Management of ANTALIS ABITEK LTDA., Considered essential for the successful development of its operation compliance with its Quality Policy and Environment factor. "Our organization defines as central elements in his work the commitment to continuous improvement in all its production and its environmental performance processes in order to continuously improve the quality of our products and services, as well as the prevention of pollution associated with their activities. In this matter the enormous value to ANTALIS ABITEK LTDA is recognized. continuing with its customers, which allows us to reach and exceed their expectations feedback. This ongoing commitment to quality, prevention of pollution, compliance with legal requirements that apply to the environmental aspects of our activities, forces us to prepare and constantly perfected to be able to identify and eliminate any possibility of error in the quality and environmental protection. we strongly believe that the continued practice of this philosophy of work will make us worthy of recognition and remuneration of our customers. " to achieve this Quality Policy and Environment, ANTALIS ABITEK LTDA. It has a modern industrial structure, dynamic and highly committed staff, who serves in a safe working environment and in accordance with current legislation and regulations applicable to our quality procedures and environment. General Manager ANTALIS ABITEK LTDA.