Durante la transición, PEP y el Contratista realizarán una prueba de capacidad de producción de la totalidad del Área Contractual, dejando fluir a su capacidad óptima todos los pozos, registrando dicha producción en el Punto de Medición donde PEP medirá y verificarán los Hidrocarburos Netos, según lo establecen el Contrato y las Leyes Aplicables; dicha producción quedará asentada en el acta donde se señalarán las incidencias relacionadas con dicha transición.
Los Hidrocarburos Netos determinados en esta prueba, serán el valor inicial de la producción base, misma que será declinada por PEP durante el plazo del contrato, utilizando como factor, un valor de declinación para el Área Contractual, el cual es de
10.00 %. La producción base calculada, será utilizada para los fines de la Remuneración descrita en la Cláusula 15 del contrato y el Anexo 3 que forma parte integrante del mismo.
During the transition, PEP and the contractor will be a test of production capacity of all of the Contractual Area, letting flow to its optimum capacity all wells, registering that production at the point of measurement where PEP measured and verified net hydrocarbons, as established in the contract and applicable laws; This production will be seated in the Act be designated where the issues related to the transition.NET hydrocarbons determined in this test will be the initial value of the production base, which will be declined by PEP during the term of the contract, using as a factor, a value of declination for the contract Area, which is of10.00%. Calculated base production, will be used for the purposes of the compensation described in clause 15 of the contract and annex 3 which forms an integral part of it.

During the transition, PEP and the Contractor will conduct a test production capacity of the entire Contract Area, letting flow at optimum capacity all wells, recording this production in the measurement point where PEP will measure and verify the Net Hydrocarbons, according I set the Contract and the Applicable Laws; this production shall be established in the record where the incidents related to this transition be brought.
Hydrocarbons Net determined in this test will be the initial value of the production base, it will be declined by PEP during the contract period, using as a factor, a value of declination for the Contract area, which is
10.00%. The calculated production base will be used for the purposes of the remuneration described in Clause 15 of the contract and Annex 3 which forms an integral part thereof.

During the transition, Pep and the contractor shall conduct a test of production capacity of the entire contract area, running at its optimum capacity All The Wells, with this production at the Measurement point where Pep Measured and Verified the Net hydrocarbons under the contract and the applicable laws; such production shall be established in the report, which highlighted issues related to this Transition.The Net hydrocarbons shall be determined in this test, the Initial value of the production base, which will be inflected by Pep during the contract term, used as a factor for the declination value contract area, which is10%. The calculated Production base, will be used for the purposes of Remuneration described in clause 15 of the contract and Annex 3 shall form an integral part thereof.