Procedimiento de rescisión. Si al concluir el periodo de cura el Contratista no hubiere subsanado el incumplimiento, PEP iniciará la rescisión conforme a lo siguiente: (i) notificará el inicio del procedimiento de rescisión al Contratista para que éste, dentro de los veinte (20) Días Hábiles siguientes a tal notificación, manifieste lo que a su derecho convenga y aporte las pruebas que juzgue pertinentes; y (ii) al término del plazo señalado en el inciso (i) o a la recepción de los argumentos y pruebas, PEP contará con veinte (20) Días Hábiles para resolver, de manera fundada y motivada, la rescisión con efectos inmediatos y sin necesidad de declaración judicial o arbitral. Una vez iniciada la rescisión, PEP se abstendrá de cubrir los importes resultantes de Servicios no liquidados hasta que se otorgue el finiquito correspondiente y, en caso necesario, procederá a hacer efectivas las Garantías.
Procedure of termination. If at the end of the cure period contractor has not remedied the breach, PEP will initiate the termination in accordance with the following: (i) notify the commencement of the termination procedure the contractor so this, within twenty (20) days following such notification, revealed that its law suits and provides the evidence which it considers relevant; and (ii) to the term of the term designated in the subsection (i) or to the reception of them arguments and evidence, PEP will be with twenty (20) days working for resolve, of way founded and motivated, the termination with effects immediate and without need of statement judicial or arbitration. Once initiated the termination, PEP will not cover the resulting amounts of unpaid services until granted the corresponding settlement and, if necessary, proceed to give effect to the guarantees.

Termination procedure. If at the end of the period of healing the Contractor has not remedied the breach, PEP initiate termination pursuant to the following: (i) notify the initiation of proceedings to terminate the Contractor to this, within twenty (20) Business Days to such notification, manifest what serves his interests and provide the evidence it deems pertinent; and (ii) at the end of the period prescribed in subsection (i) or receipt of the arguments and evidence, PEP will have twenty (20) working days to resolve, so grounded and motivated, termination with immediate effect and without judicial or arbitral statement. Once initiated termination, PEP shall not cover the amounts resulting from not settled until the corresponding settlement is granted services and, if necessary, proceed to give effect to the guarantees.

Termination procedures. If at the end of the period of cure the contractor has not remedied the breach, Pep initiate termination according to the following: (i) shall start the procedure for Termination to the contractor, within Twenty (20) days of such notice, the right appropriate and provide evidence that it deems appropriate; and (ii) at the end of the period referred to in subparagraph (i) or the receipt of the arguments and evidence, Pep will have 20 working days to solve, so founded and motivated termination with immediate effect and without judicial Declaration or arbitral. Once the termination, Pep will not cover the amounts resulting from services to be granted unpaid Severance package and, if necessary, shall make effective guarantees.