Hasta ahora, los espectadores no
pueden pensar nada, ya que no
hay expectativa de lo que va a suceder. Por ello, lo que vamos a
hacer ahora es reajustar la extensión inferior, para que la carta elegida coincida a la misma altura en
ambas extensiones, para lo cuál
sólo tendremos que poner los
dedos sobre la carta elegida y
mover ese grupo a la izquierda o
hacia la derecha, levemente,
hasta hacerlo coincidir con la extensión de arriba (fotografía 5).
Obviamente, esto lo haremos en
otros lugares de la baraja, con la
excusa de acomodar la extensión
para que se vean bien las cartas.
So far, viewers do notYou can think anything, since noThere is expectation of what will happen. Therefore, what we are going todo now is reset lower extension, to match the selected card to the same height inboth extensions, for whichWe will only have to put thefingers on the selected card andmove the group to the left orto the right, slightly,up to match the extension above (Photo 5).Obviously, this is done inelsewhere in the Pack, with theexcuse accommodate expansionso you see well them letters.

So far, viewers will not
be thinking anything, since there is
no expectation of what will happen. Therefore, what we will
do now is to readjust the lower extension, so that the chosen card match at the same height on
both extensions, for which
we only have to put your
fingers on the chosen card and
move the group to the left or
to the right slightly,
until it coincides with the extension above (photo 5).
Obviously, this will do in
other parts of the deck, with
excuse to accommodate the extension
to be well see the charts.

Until now, no spectatorsCan not think of anything, becauseThere is expectation of what will happen. So what we are going toTo do now is to adjust the lower Extension for the selected Card matches the same HeightBoth Extensions, for whichWe"ll just put theFingers on the chosen card andMove to the left or the GroupSlightly to the right,To match up with the extension of (photograph 5).Obviously, this we will do inOther parts of the deck, with theExcuse to accommodate extensionTo be able to see the cards.