Qué tal ??? Las nuevas patrullas de "vigilancia ambiental" ... 3 patrullas en un tramo de Insurgentes, viendo a quién le sacan mordida, ya no saben ni por donde sacar más y más
How is it going??? The new patrols "environmental"... 3 patrols on a stretch of Insurgentes, seeing out who bite, no longer know or where to get more and more
How are you ??? The new patrols "environmental monitoring" ... 3 patrols on a stretch of Insurgentes, seeing who will take bite, and do not even know where to get more and more
What? ??The New Patrols of "Environmental Monitoring". 3 Patrols on a stretch of insurgents, Seeing who you are bitten, you don't even know where to get more and more