Efectos de la rescisión. En caso de que PEP ejerza su derecho a rescindir este Contrato de conformidad con la Cláusula 21.3, el Contratista deberá pagar a PEP, los daños directos y Perjuicios que PEP compruebe como resultado del incumplimiento que dé lugar a la rescisión, en el entendido de que dichos daños podrán ser cobrados por PEP de las cantidades adeudadas al Contratista que resulten del finiquito, de las Garantías de Cumplimiento, y sin perjuicio de cualquier otro recurso legal que PEP pudiera tener conforme al Contrato o las Leyes Aplicables. Al operar la rescisión, las Partes procederán al pago que les corresponda, elaborando un finiquito y se procederá a la terminación del Contrato, sin responsabilidad adicional alguna de PEP frente al Contratista. Como consecuencia de la rescisión, operará en forma inmediata la reducción de área considerada en la Cláusula 7.1(c), y PEP tomará control inmediatamente de las instalaciones en el área.
Effects of termination. Where PEP exercise its right to terminate this contract of conformity with the clause 21.3, the contractor must pay to PEP, them damage direct and damages that PEP check as result of the breach that give place to the termination, in the understood of that such damage may be charged by PEP of them amounts owed to the contractor that are of the discharge Warranties of compliance with, and without prejudice to any other legal remedy PEP may have pursuant to the contract or applicable laws. Operating the termination, the parties will proceed to payment corresponding to them, making a settlement and will proceed to the completion of the contract, without any additional liability of PEP with the contractor. As consequence of the termination, will operate in form immediate the reduction of area considered in the clause 7.1 (c), and PEP will take control immediately of the facilities in the area.

Effects of Termination. Should PEP exercise its right to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Clause 21.3, the Contractor shall pay to PEP, direct damages PEP check as a result of a breach that results in the termination, on the understanding that such damages may be recovered by PEP of amounts due to the Contractor resulting from the settlement of the performance guarantees, and without prejudice to any other legal remedies that PEP may have under the Contract or the Applicable Laws. When operating termination, the Parties shall proceed to payment payable thereon, preparing a final settlement and proceed to the termination, no additional responsibility of PEP to the Contractor. As a result of the termination, will operate immediately reduced area considered in Section 7.1 (c), and PEP will take control immediately of the facilities in the area.

Effect of termination. In the case of Pep to exercise its right to terminate this contract in accordance with section 21.3, the contractor shall pay to the Pep, Pep check direct damage and damage as a result of the failure to give rise to the termination, on the understanding that such damages may be recovered by the Pep Amounts due to the contractor arising from the settlement of assurances of Compliance, and without prejudice to any other legal remedy that Pep might have under the contract or applicable laws. To operate the termination, the Parties shall pay their share, and developing a settlement will be the termination of the contract, without any additional Liability of Pep from the contractor. As a result of the cancellation, shall operate in the immediate reduction of area considered in clause 7.1 (c) and Pep immediately Take Control of the facilities in the area.