La Habana es una ciudad de Cuba, capital de la república, su urbe más grande, el principal puerto y su centro económico-cultural. Es la sede oficial de los órganos superiores del Estado, de todos los organismos centrales y de casi la totalidad de empresas y asociaciones de ámbito nacional. Además, reúne la mayor cantidad de sucursales y casas matrices de las entidades extranjeras radicadas en Cuba. Es también conocida por el nombre fundacional de Villa de San Cristóbal de La Habana, así como por los sobrenombres de Llave del Nuevo Mundo y Ciudad de las Columnas (por el escritor cubano Alejo Carpentier).
Fue fundada el en 1514 por el conquistador español Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar como una de las siete primeras villas de Cuba. Su casco histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 1982.
Havana is a city of Cuba, capital of the Republic, its largest city, the main port and its cultural center. It is the official seat of the higher bodies of the State, all central agencies and almost all companies and national associations. In addition, it has the largest number of branches and offices of foreign entities in Cuba. It is also known by the founding name of Villa of San Cristóbal of Havana, as well as the nicknames of key of the new world and city of columns (by the Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier).It was founded the in 1514 by Spanish conquistador Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar as one of the first seven villas in Cuba. Its historic was declared world heritage by Unesco in 1982.

Havana is a City in Cuba, capital of the Republic, its largest city, the main Port and Economic and Cultural Center. It is the official seat of the superior Organs of the State, All the central agencies and almost all companies and National Associations. In addition,Gather as many branches and Head offices of Foreign entities based in Cuba. It is also known by the name of villa of San Cristobal of Havana, as well as by the nicknames of the key to the new world and the City of columns (by the Cuban Writer Alejo Carpentier).
Was founded in 1514 by the Spanish Conqueror Diego Velazquez de Cuellar as one of the first seven Villages of Cuba. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982.